Our Research Network brings people together to share and learn from existing evidence to inform and improve UK policy.
We promote dialogue and collaboration between equality and human rights academics and researchers in other organisations, charities and other NGOs, policymakers and funders.
Together, we work to identify shared solutions to policy questions, informed by evidence from research and practice. And we help to identify knowledge gaps to guide research agendas – encouraging rigorous, critical and imaginative scholarship.
We also collaborate with researchers who want to engage the equality and human rights sector in research projects on areas of shared interest. If you’d like to discuss ideas for potential collaboration, please get in touch with us on info@equallyours.org.uk.
Through our briefings and newsletter, we make sure research on equality and human rights can be accessed by people who need it. You can sign up to our newsletter here.
And if you’re looking for a Research Centre with an equality or human rights focus, we can help.
Current work
Our current work includes:
- Research and seminars on hate crime – we’ve looked at the causes and effects of hate crime, and are currently examining the case for legal reform of hate crime law.
- A research report highlighting the positive impact of EU funding on advancing equality and human rights in the UK, and the risk to these advances following Brexit.
- A collaborative research project on how far social impact investment is addressing equality.
- Supporting equality sector engagement in a project on the future of legal gender.
Join our Research Network
Joining our Research Network is completely free. Here’s what you get:
- updates on equality and human rights research, news and policy and legal developments
- invitations to our seminars and events
- opportunities to network and work with other members
- opportunities to shape the equality and human rights agenda
- an active platform for your reports and research.
And here’s who can join:
Member: anyone researching equality, human rights or related subjects who is working at (or registered with) a recognised academic institution.
Associate: anyone working on public policy or research related to equality and human rights outside an academic setting. This could include roles in government or statutory bodies, NGOs, policy institutes and think tanks, funding bodies, and legal practices.